Remember that boots are essential also, ignore the rings as they are unnecessary. In order to activate the Ahzidals Genius that will provide a 10percent increase in Enchanting, there are four items to be needed. Second, go through the quest called Unearthed and get the Ahzidals set. Enchanting perks: Enchanter(5), Insightful Enchanter(1).Alchemy perks: Alchemist (5), Physician (1), Benefactor(1).At 100 ensure to acquire the Alchemy and Enchanting together with the installed perks listed below: It will be brief and concise for easy understanding. To make this possible we will provide guidelines for its process. To be able to acquire the 100 percent increase strength in fortify alchemy, enchanting and smithing, together with the following items: Ahzidals armor set, Black Book: Sallow Regent and Notched Pickaxe, we are going to utilize the alchemy and enchanting loop.